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Racing Thoughts and Bipolar Disorder

by Bipolarlife | Feb 4, 2020 | Bipolar articles

Everyone occasionally experiences situations that cause their mind to race. Imagine that feeling amped up several notches and persisting without relief and you have an idea of what it’s like to experience racing thoughts. This symptom often signals a hypomanic or...

Tools to help people with Bipolar Disorder

by Bipolarlife | Jan 31, 2021 | Bipolar articles

In this article, we’ll look at how tracking symptoms can help, then we’ll consider the range of different tools available including apps for people with bipolar disorder. Trackers Many people already track their mood, sleep and energy as part of a treatment and...

A History of Bipolar Disorder

by Bipolarlife | Sep 29, 2020 | Bipolar articles

Though it’s impossible to trace the first case of bipolar depression or mania, much is known about the evolution of its identification and subsequent classification and naming as manic depression—now known generally as bipolar—and about those specialists whose...

How to stay sane during lockdown

by Bipolarlife | Aug 31, 2020 | Bipolar articles

We know times are tough. It might have started off as a bit of a novelty but the last few weeks of lockdown, social distancing has been the stuff of nightmares for a lot of us. It’s not often that we’re asked to stay home and do nothing to help overcome a global...

Bipolar Disorder and Strained Relationships

by Bipolarlife | Feb 4, 2020 | Bipolar articles

The tricky thing about bipolar disorder is that there is no one state to get used to. As the name implies, there are two somewhat opposite extremes of behavior: the manic and the depressive. They have very distinguishing characteristics, both of which can be damaging...

Bipolar Disorder: What You Need to Know

by Bipolarlife | Feb 4, 2020 | Bipolar articles

At age 23 Joseph noticed she was having trouble concentrating at work – that is, when she actually made it into the office. Many days, she couldn’t get out of bed. She spent hours staring at the wall, crying at the drop of a hat. And although she’d only worked for...

History of Bipolar Disorder

by Bipolarlife | Feb 4, 2020 | Bipolar articles

A man known as Aretaeus of Cappadocia has the first records of analyzing the symptoms of depression and mania in the 1st century of Greece. There is documentation that explains how bath salts were used to calm those with manic symptoms and also help those who are...

Just Diagnosed?

by Bipolarlife | Feb 4, 2020 | Bipolar articles

I was diagnosed with Bipolar Type II disorder on January 28, 2014 and I wish someone had sat down and told me what I have since learnt on that Tuesday morning: It will get better. Your meds will become finer tuned and you will learn how to better live with this...

Staying Motivated

by Bipolarlife | Feb 4, 2020 | Bipolar articles

Motivation can be a problematic part of modern life for many of us. There are all kinds of aspects of our work and personal lives that we feel require motivation, and it is common for people to struggle to maintain the momentum of motivation. Feeling unmotivated can...

Bipolar Medication Guide

by Bipolarlife | Feb 4, 2020 | Bipolar articles

The role of medication in bipolar disorder treatment If you have bipolar disorder, medication will likely be the foundation of your treatment plan. Medication can bring mania and depression under control and prevent relapse once your mood has stabilized. You may not...

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