We know times are tough. It might have started off as a bit of a novelty but the last few weeks of lockdown, social distancing has been the stuff of nightmares for a lot of us. It’s not often that we’re asked to stay home and do nothing to help overcome a global crisis, and it sounded like a bit of a dream to start with; all those TV shows to binge watch, decorating and DIY tasks we finally have time to finish, reading that book you got for Christmas. So why are a few weeks at home turning into such an obstacle to overcome? It could be that we feel like we have lost our rhythm. We can’t meet up with friends or family, blow off steam or go to a restaurant for dinner. Having our daily rhythm disrupted can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. So, what can we do to avoid suffering from cabin fever?


Think about the good you are doing for the community. You really are saving lives by staying at home. This in itself, should be enough to refocus your attention


Don’t sit around in your tracksuit bottoms and coast through the day. If you’d usually get up at 6am and workout, still do that. Instead of hitting the gym or going to that workout class, try some training guides for at home exercise ideas. If you’ve never really been keen to workout, or not had the time, now could be the time to give it a go.


Sometimes we just need a distraction. Doing something creative is a great way of clearing your mind and zoning out, even if it’s just for a little while. You could dig out that puzzle, bake some banana bread (who knew that would be such a thing), or pick up a new craft. Whatever it is, get thinking.


Phrases like ‘good vibes only’ and ‘stay positive’ can do one. We’re all going to have bad days, where getting up for work is a real struggle, there’s no chance of you getting changed out of your pajamas, and home-schooling feels like hell on earth (when did maths for 7 year olds become so hard?). It’s OK to not be OK, and more importantly understanding that we are in a different place right now and comparing ourselves to the ‘normal’ versions of us isn’t helpful.


Try something new. Is there a project you can take on at work to help out? Something outside your comfort zone, or everyday norm but that your colleagues would appreciate your help with and offers you the chance to up-skill yourself. Is there a course you’ve been meaning to take that has a special deal on it at the moment? At home you could start working your way through the list of DIY projects, like painting and decorating the spare room which has also become known as the ‘shove it in there and shut the door quick’ room, or start smaller like finally hanging that headband holder. Attack the weeds in your garden or paint your fence if you have outdoor space. All the jobs you’ve put off because you’ve never had the time, grab the opportunity whilst you have it. There is light at the end of the tunnel. We just need to have patience and figure this out together.

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