Our stories


Would you like to tell your own story? Some people find writing and sharing their story cathartic in many ways. It can clarify and validate your experience, and also let others know that they are not alone in their experiences.

We’d love to hear from you.


“I freaked out and told Dad I wasn’t feeling that good. We eventually drove to the hospital and I was admitted to the psych ward for another week.”

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“Although my real name is not Andrew, I have chosen this alias to protect my real identity, as this story contains some very descriptive accounts of my experience with Bipolar disorder.”

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“Initially I was diagnosed with Post Natal Depression 19 years ago, shortly after I had my first daughter.”

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“Three years ago last month, my mind lost touch with reality in a very rapid turn of events that culminated in an acute manic episode of bipolar affective disorder.”

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“I didn’t have any history of mental ill health until 2010, when I had depression and was prescribed Prozac. A year later, a series of events led me to become manic and psychotic:”

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“I really had wanted to sit and to start to write my ‘story’ of mental illness earlier than this. I tried very hard to, but something stopped me each time from engaging in a first person narrative.”

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“My name is Caitlin and I’m 34 years old. I was first diagnosed with depression and anxiety when I was 19, but I’ve probably been struggling with anxiety for my whole life.”

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"Chris’s journey with mental illness started as a young teenager but he didn’t see a psychologist until his mid 30’s. He was diagnosed with bipolar 2 at the age of 41, after a long period of rapid cycling."

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“Some people can’t conceive of what it is like to have the policies of politicians who have little concept of living with a disability continually threatening to erode your already meagre standard of living.”

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“I have been officially bipolar for 18 years, long enough for it to become an adult and get a driver’s licence. And it has taken that me that long to become an adult too. I am 47.”

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"Although my real name is not Andrew, I have chosen this alias to protect my real identity, as this story contains some very descriptive accounts of my experience with Bipolar disorder."

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What is your diagnosis?
Bipolar Schizoaffective

How old are you now and when did you get diagnosed?
I am 57 now. When I was 15 I had racing thoughts when I got stressed. Deep depressions started when I was 19.

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“I am now in my 50’s and have bipolar disorder. I am fortunate that my depression periods are mild, although prolonged. But my highs are high! I now believe that my symptoms began in my mid 20’s and I have been undiagnosed most of my adult life.”

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"It’s difficult to count now, but I suppose I’ve had around 20 intense high’s through my life. This is an account of a particular high, and looking back, I realise it caught me by surprise on New Years Day a few years back."

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“For the first time since being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder I am starting to feel some hope. Hope that I may in fact be able to experience some joy in my future despite having one of the main disorders I never, ever wanted to have.”

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“My name is Mick and this is my short story of surviving with Manic Depression.

This is an illness that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, unless I was in a foul mood. Which unfortunately, is regularly, but at the same time spasmodic. It is not easy describing this sometimes-evil merry-go-round.”

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"In 1997 I was a happy person. I had recently moved to the city with my then-boyfriend, gotten a little distance from my family, and started attending university. I was feeling uplifted by the challenge. "

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18th February.

Well, ok, no more real excuses left I suppose I had better write at least something or later rue that I did not.

I have just had my first treatment of ECT – electro-shock therapy. I had it at around 7.30 and it is now 9.”

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“I have a huge swelling feeling growing in the back of my head, reaching forward in grasping fibrillated and soggy claws. I know this feeling, frenetic as it is, coiled and sprung and filled up with sand. It is MANIA jumpstarting my head and collapsing into itself like a singularity or a sandcastle or a limestone blow hole. ”

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"If there were a button you could push to be cured of Bipolar, I would push it with only a second’s hesitation. Not only is it difficult to live with it at times, it is invisible to the naked eye, there is no plaster cast to see, peak flow or blood sugar test to measure."

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“Sue was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 in 2004 and has been hospitalized 8 times with mania.

In 2017 she had a turning point after she stayed in hospital for her bipolar condition.”

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“Anyone who has bipolar, be it bipolar 1, 2 or 3 knows how unpredictable this condition is. You’re feeling like you’re doing really well and your emotional wellbeing is in check, when out of the blue you get hit.”

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"About twelve years ago, I was standing in a general store in Hay, in New South Wales’s Riverina region, cradling a plaster of Paris budgerigar, which was painted in a garish yellow and green."

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“Hi. I am a 37 yr old woman who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder since I was 16. I have had several hospitalisations but thankfully none in the last 9 years. Historically my main problem has been mania more than depression.”

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