The Goldberg Depression Scale is a list of questions to ask yourself. It measures the severity of your depressive thinking and actions.

This questionnaire is a tool to help you decide if you need to seek help with your mood. It does not diagnose major depression, bipolar depression or any other mood disorder.

The results are only to be used as a guage. It does not replace meeting with a doctor or mental health professional.

If after completeing the questionnaire you feel you need help, visit your GP who might conduct an assessment of you, or refer you to someone else, such as a psychiatrist or a psychologist.

The test is made up of eighteen questions. After completing all the questions you will be presented with your result, and your rank on the Goldberg Depression Scale.

To take the questionnaire, please click the radio button next to the selection which best reflects how each statement applies to you. Be sure to choose the statement that applies to how you have felt and behaved during the past week.

1. I do everything slowly:

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

2. My future seems hopeless.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

3. I find it hard to concentrate when I read.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

4. All joy and pleasure seem to have disappeared from my life.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

5. I find it hard to make decisions.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

6. I have lost interest in things that used to mean a lot to me.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

7. I feel sad, depressed and unhappy.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

8. I feel restless and cannot relax.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

9. I feel tired.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

10. I find it hard to do even trivial things.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

11. I feel guilty and deserve to be punished.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

12. I feel like a failure.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

13. I feel empty – more dead than alive.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

14. My sleep is disturbed: too little, too much or unsettled sleep.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

15. I wonder HOW I could commit suicide.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

16. I feel confined and imprisoned.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

17. I feel down even when something good happens to me.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

18. I have lost or gained weight without being on a diet.

 Not at all

 Only slightly


 A lot

 Quite a lot

 To a great extent

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